psychic abilities signatures

secret messages abilities;


18. Talk to those passed over - relatives


7.hear talk of rocks
9. see Future of earth based on burnt offerings
11. Read stories in the stars
12.. Messages in clouds-Aeromancy
13. To grok dreams
14. Automatic writing
15. Fringe dwellers
18. Talk to those passed over - relatives
21. Chance utterances of strangers passing by
21. Develop ESP
22. Omens you movements of animals etc  
24. Soul retrieval to famous people of past
29. Casting sticks etc
32. Read story in the sand
33. Ability to shapeshift
34. Access altered states
35. Read messages in smoke
39. Self hypnosis
40. Ability to morph
43. Interpret bumps on head
49. Make a talisman
52. Access past lives
53. ‘Read’ auras
54. Precognition
55. Channelling
56. Feng shui paths
57. Know the quality of water
61. Faith healing
62. Ability to dowse
64. Messages in candle flame
68. Geomancy- earth
71. Hear horse  talk
73. Messages while walking in circles
74. Messages from inner child
75 Divination via horses
76.random page in book
85. Know your destiny
87. Develop clairaudiency
89. Ghost whispering
95. Sense auras
102 sense presences
104 develop clairvoyance
106 thunder lightning ancients
109. Access the underworld
114 develop clairsentience
123 develop clairempathy
126. Throw leaves into wind
127 walk between worlds
128 crystal gazing
131speak in foreign tongue
137. Message recognition
137.1 Ability to ‘notice’ messages
138. Access MessageBank 

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