About signatures- discussion


About signatures. ‘When the Great Light had movement, the pattern that was formed was an Archangel. This pattern is not just a pattern, it is the angel. The Love that went with it, is the Love the Archangel has for you.


What is a Signature? Every light being, (and every ability) has a signature. Your signature of your name uniquely identifies you. You have written it via the movement of your hand. It carries your vibration. One can get a feeling, of you, from your signature. In the angel's world, in the world of light beings, all is vibration. All is movement. All is dance. There is no substance here as such. Here, the signature of any being, has a vibration. In fact, this signature, this vibration is also that being. (This is where our mind has to stretch). The signature is with the light being, and the signature is the light being. In the same way, St John has said in the Bible, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The signature is with the Angel and the signature is the Angel. This is Old Science. The signatures are in the form of drawings. These are channelled, via hand movements, from an Archangel, Raphael. In movement or dance, the signature can unfold the being. Or, by imaging the signature to move 3-dimensionally you can begin to get a feeling for accessing and seeing the angel in its movement of light. Archangels are always in movement, in the dance of the Light. They are movement. They are vibration. 1 The ability to generate angel’s signatures is the author’s special angel gift. (There can be no copiers.) You have a unique gift given to you by your guardian angel. You must find and expand your special gift. 
Why a Signature? In the times before the Fall, before Life entered into the cycles of Birth and Death, and the Body of human appeared in its present form, there was only the Science of Light. The Science of Light has been forgotten, and in its place only remains the Science of Matter. In one, the principle was unity eg. God is the beginning, and in the other the principle is differentiation eg. the atom is the primary substance. But the World of Light has continued behind the scenes, as has the Science of Light. In the World of Light are the signatures of Light. These signatures of Light are creating the Signs in our Life. These signs are meant to guide us. They are everywhere. In the Old Days, in the Days of Alchemy the Doctrine of Signatures was an essential principle of Natural Science. Somewhere it has fallen by the wayside.
What are examples of angelic signatures? The Alphabet. Abcdefg Writing as we know it originated with the angelic signatures for the angels of the phonetic sounds. We can make a limited number of sounds. Each sound in its pure form carries a spirit, a feeling, angel-like. When that sound was 'seen' it originally looked like the picture of its letter. It was an angel signature. Here the sound and sight have arisen from the One source. For example , look at the letter o, and compare it to the sound that goes out as you say the letter. What does this sound look like?
This signature nature is even more obvious in the picture-like ideograms from the Chinese and Japanese language systems. For example the ideogram for Qi (translated as life-force) shows steam above cooking rice. The Reiki symbol Many of you have learned Reiki, which originated in Japan. The symbol that is used for the initiation into this healing method is a signature from the Angel of Reiki. That is how it works. Landscapes. When the angel of living light imprints onto the living Earth, then the nature forms around it. Look for the signatures in the landscape around you.
These signatures don't look like anything to me. What validity do you have for them? They may seem simple or naive, but remember, in the origin of alphabets, the Chinese was supposed to have been formed by studying the patterns of stars, marks on the back of a turtle and footprints in the sand. The Runes were formed when Odin fell out of the Great Tree of Life, from twigs that fell to the ground around him. Others say a more primordial language was formed in the angles of spiders' webs. In Africa the Sangoma or witchdoctor draws with a feather in the dust and the Navaho shaman uses sand patterns to form the healing signature.
What is the secret to all this? To attract an angel you have to draw its signature. The signature is like a magnet to the angel. It will come hurrying to see why it is called. This is behind the secret.
What is a sound signature? It is written there in the first verse in the Old Testament. The Word was with God and the word was God. The sound IS the thing and creates it at the same time. In the realm of consciousness this is a basic law. It does not follow mentally but it is so. In practical terms with the signature of an angel before you, you change (channels) into auditory and produce the sound signature of that angel by toning or singing, which is a movement in voice. From this the song of the angel at that time may unfold. This was the origin of mantras though I would tend to regard mantras as 'frozen' angel songs. This not to deny the joy one may feel with them. 'Hallelujah' can be sung beautifully as the angelic voice comes into play and creates the harmonies and harmonic tones. IN his book 'Music and the Mind' Anthony Storr cites the example of a female patient; "Frozen into immobility by [Parkinson's] disease she would remain helplessly unable to move until she was able to recall tunes she had known in her youth. These would suddenly release her ability to move again.

Your Angel Signature and how to do the Angel's Dance

about your angel signature

What does it look like to you?

This signature is a powerful way to contact angels and bring them into your life now. It was revealed by Archangel Raphael. The method is based on movement.

‘ When the Great Light moved, the pattern that was formed was an Archangel. This pattern is not just a pattern, it is the angel. The love that went with it, is the love the Archangel has for you.’

To use this signature:

For babies; Parents use the signature and poem in order to get to know their child’s angel and align with that guidance.

For the little ones: Before you go to bed at night draw the signature in the air, the movement will call the angel and it will come and look after you through the night.

For older; After drawing signature in air, ask the angel to begin teaching you - something, say music or art or horse riding.

About the angel poem; This tends to indicate life themes and impulses. By returning to them we can find our way back, and then sail confidently through life’s changes.

 The angel’s dance:  After 12 years or as an adult you can do the Angel’s Dance by this 4 step method:

Step1 Draw signature in air, eyes closed imprinting it within.

Step2 Let a tone (sound) come to you.

Step 3 Continuing with the tone, notice the impulse to move that you have. Let these unfold (sound & movement) till a sense of completion is felt.

Step4 Do a drawing or poem or story.

This is a beautiful way to experience the angel. The Goddess or Guardian Saint may also manifest. Each has its own dance.

Some hints:
Everything that happens is part of it. If a bird flies by or a song comes on the radio, that is part of the angel dance. Look for your angel’s totem animal.
Before the dance and after, try asking the angel to reveal their name to you, or show themselves.
During the dance with each gesture there may be words that go with them, You may ask for the words to be told to you. This often forms another message or poem.
When doing your picture write down any words that come to you.

At our conception an angel seed is placed within us. This signature activates that seed and it begins to grow, day-by-day, month-by-month, year-by-year. You are coming into your fruition.

About Dancing without music.
From the book Brida by Paulo Coelho.
Wicca taught Brida to dance. She said that she needed to learn to move her body in accordance with the sound of the world, that ever-present vibration. There was no special technique; it was simply a matter of making any movement that came into her head. Nevertheless it took awhile before Brida could become used to moving and dancing in that illogical way……

Wicca had told her that, when she danced to the sound of the world, her soul would feel more comfortable in her body and there would be a lessening of tension…….

Brida began to notice how people walking down the street did not seem to know what to do with their hands or how to move their hips or shoulders. She felt like telling them that the world was playing a tune and if they danced a little to that music, and simply allowed the body to move illogically for as few minutes a day they would feel much better.

From Brida by Paulo Coelho

For further info contact Allan ‘angelman’ Moffatt
Ph 61 0408114 758
Email angelconch2@hotmail.com